I really dont know why that my posts have been very boring, even im baffled because usually i enjoy blogging but when i made those recent posts i felt so sluggish, experienced mental block and adapted a different demeanor... whoa! i guess the school work is getting to me~ what a terrifying thought, me succumbing to the tyranny that is school and education! hot daym! i am so ashamed! hahahaha~ well. not that ashamed though cause me giving in to school and homework is sort of good too in a way, hahaha~ at least i've finally realised the huge impact of the A-Levels! whoa! anyways, i've realised that i havent uploaded some pics from my camera sooo im gonna upload it now =)
These pics were from january which means that im 15 days late in posting it, i've got a perfect explanation for that... Well, during that day we took a lot of pics and some of the pics contained different things, like sex appeal and whore-ey poses but those are too over to be posted on the internet plus i really dont wanna permanently scar your brains soo i wont upload those pics... Oh yeah, my explanation well after havin fun on that day, i was kind of tired so when i reached home i flopped on my bed due to exhaustion and kind of thought that i left my camera in my bag so i left it there for 3 days, turns out when i decided to check the camera, it wasn't with me...
Imagine how panicked i felt!!! and thank god that it turns out that i left the camera in Freak's car, hahahah~ okay even though i was thankful i cant help realise how careless i am and well i really am careless! Iguess carelessness and clumsiness is in my DNA, hahaha~ I cant help it!!!! Waaaaaaaaa~
This pic is one of the greatest cause hey! it was windy when we took this picture so it was fun to take this picture over and over again cause the wind blew our clothes everywhere like crazy at one point when i was shielding my eyes from the wind and the picture was taken, i looked like i was peering at Freak's chest! palui usulnya kaliah!!! and then we got this little baby, mwahahah~ well actually there's a lot of pics during that day but i already upload all of them in the GBL blog and here i only chose to upload my faves! which is these 2~ hahahah~ eventhough i wasn't present in the first photo~~~~~~
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