31 December 2008
New Years
28 December 2008
1.Do you think you're hot?
Well i dunno bout hot but i'll settle with being cute *wink*
2.upload a favourite picture of you

3.why do you like that picture?
cause i look pretty *batting eyelashes* heheheh~
4.when was the last time you ate pizza?
hmmm... i dont even remember, i think it was during puasa... maybe...
5.the last song you listened to?
"Pokerface" by Lady GaGa
6.What are you doing now besides this?
Watching "LOST" on AXN BEYOND =)
7.What name you prefer besides yours?
Ralph or Brandon, cant decide between these 2
8.People i tag
Mira,Jimbo,Wanna/Dhillah(considered as 1),Bylah,Yazid (eventhough ya nada blog,i dun care) saja...
9.Number 2 is having a relationship with?
dunno, not my bussiness yo!
10.Say something about number 5
He's a selfish and self-centered but he's still my bestfriend
11.How about number 4?
She's lucky our maths teacher hates her~ =)
12.Who is number 3?
Friends from PDS
okay, im sorry with the very big gaps but i dunno how to fix it... anyways, im back in brunei bay and now, i've added 2 more to my bracelet collection, hehehehe~ and also bought cool new phone straps yo! hahahah! anyways after this, soon, birthday greetings post...

okay im now in a boat heading for brunei from labuan, so,ur maybe asking, how am i blogging right now? of course,using a phone lh! duh... anyways, cant
wait to go back to brunei and start posting my special birthday greetings
post! hahaha tlampau belated tua sudah anyways, heres a shoutout to you and
my peeps! i love you all very very very much! mwahz! xoxo
23 December 2008
22 December 2008
20 December 2008

grrrr! im a werewolf! here me roar!!!! i mean howl!!!

whee~ look at me! im in an airship! is that an asteroid? ohhh shiii... *CRASH*
... cause this picture is a real stress buster! look at dat fuckin view! aint it awesome if were to have a relaxing picnic with friemds while dipping your toes in the water feeling the stress flowing down your bod to the toes and the dissapears in the water... ahhhhh~ that would feel totally good...
18 December 2008

yanz and nurul


me and yanz

the parents
after we went back from yanz we stopped by little m at batu besurat and hahahaha!! you'll find out what we did in the next post =)
17 December 2008
16 December 2008
Random Updated Post

Tagged by Mira
=She's a friend, one of the GBL kaliah...
2.Your 4 impressions towards her/him
=She's demanding
=Annoying, hahaha!
=She's... A girl...
=She's outgoing
3.The most memorable thing she/he have said to you
=Man Whore!
4.The most memorable thing she/he had done to you
=bought me a souveneir from her trip to Singapore
5.If she/he becomes your lover, you will?
=NO WAY! i'd rather be completely GAY,hahahaha! (No Offense)
6.If she/he becomes your enemy, you will?
=Bitchslap her until she admits whose fault was it first that we became enemies, hahahaha!
7.If she/he becomes your love, she/he has to improve on
=how the heck should i know, she's just a friend.
8.If she/he becomes your enemy, the reason is
=uhhhhh... we bitch slapped each other??? Yup, thats probably it.
9.The desirable thing to do to her/him
=Bully her till she admits defeat! Mwahahaha!
10.Overall impression of her/him?
=She's a very nice guy! EH! i said girl!
11.How do you think the people around you think about you?
=Depends... at home they think im stupid, at school they think im smart...
13.The characteristics you hate of yourself is?
=Im very impulsive
14.The most ideal person that you want to be is?
=Brandon Routh cause he's a perfect eye candy =)
15.For the people who care about you and like you, say something about them
15 December 2008
14 December 2008
New Skin
10 December 2008
10th December 2008 "S.W.I.M.M.I.N.G"
09 December 2008
Watchin DVD's

Tropic Thunder plot (read from the back of the DVD box)= in the action-comedy "Tropic Thunder." Ben Stiller plays pampered action superstar Tugg Speedman, who is cast in the biggest, most expensive war movie ver produced. He sets out to southeast asia with a "who's who" of celebrity co-stars. They include Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey JR), an intense, 3-time oscar-winning actor, Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), star of the popular gross-out comedy franchise "The Fatties", multi-platinum hiphop-star-turned-enterpreneur-turned-actor Alpa Chino (Brandon T Jackson), and first-timer Kevin Sandusky (Jay Baruchel). Soon after the production begins the actors are thrown into a real-life situation and are out forced to become the fighting unit they are portraying in order to find a way out of the jungle in one piece.