The AS results came out on tuesday and you can just imagine how hectic school was on that day, it was like whaaaa? everyone was goin out of their classrooms and crowded the notice board, it took me like almost half-an-hour to actually reached the notice board to check out my grades... I actually knew about my grade on my monday due to the sms register shit and the only reason i actually took the time to claw my way to the notice board was to make sure of my grades. That and to blow off much of maths time as possible, yeah! what? you know i hate my math class, its like evryday blah blah blah differentiate X blah blah blah Integrate Y blah blah blah. Such a freakin snoozefest! plus, nowadays, numbers make me nauseous like hell! i mean, i get why maths is important, you know, the multiplication, division, addition and subtraction shit but everything else is like whoa!
Anyways, my AS results... Im proud to say that i scored for the AS! Oh yeah! i got an ABCC yo! which is great enough for me... My grades according to subjects are;
English Literature~~~~~~~~[A]
English AS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[B]
They are da bomb ryte? haha! i actually didn't expect my Lit to be an A cause i was hopingt to get an A for my EAS cause i poured my heart and soul into it during the AS but according to the breakdown, my compo paper got an A so i can totally dig that! i remembered i wrote a story that involves a guy, a girl and a colour-shifting magic rose, like whaaaa? i actually loved that story! wish we were given our answer papers back cause i really wanna make a continuation of that story in my mind...
can you see my grades? haha!

Im really happy bout my results, but im still gonna retake my Maths and Socio cause i think i can do better than a C for Socio... oh yeah, and maths... wish i got higher so i could drop these 2 suns cause i find them difficult, yes, i find them difficult rather than Lit. I actually didn't study much for the AS Lit so it was quite suprising when i found out about my grade, hahaha. Im a natural ya'll, wooohoooo~
Its now 6.25 and im havin school so yeah, BOOOORIIIIINGGG!!!!! the last few days of school are very interesting, found an empty all for ourselves, complete with an air conditioner~ not just one but two so its like freakin cold there! sadly the room is on the second floor so its kinda exhaustiong when walking from classes to the room and i swear to god! ever since we hanged out at that room i lost some weight! but its probably just wishful thinkin. hahaha, just yesterday we were like vogueing in that room like crazy! apparently vogueing is not easy! its like couture yoga so my joints are feelin very sore for trying one of their poses and by 'their' i mean Benny Ninja and the house of Ninja!
strike a pose and work it!
Oh yeah, lately i've been watching Psych seasons 2 and 3 and it is awesome! its just so funny, there are no episodes i dont like and i love them characters especially Shawn and Gus, they da bomb!

I've gotta get ready for school now cause dont wanna repeat performance of yesterday where my dad was fuming! hahah, batal puasanya yesterday! hahahaha! Peace out ya'll!