Oh fuck it! What a pretty fucking brilliant start for a pretty fucking brilliant day! i mean seriously fuck! For fuck's sake this morning was one more fuck away from being one of the most fucking jynxed morning of my fucking life... Today there was a wedding or a nikah or what fucking ever, its not important. Usually i dont attend these things cause frankly their fucking irritable and boring unless you have someone to talk to where in my case i dont so there was nothing for me to do except sit there like a fucking vegetable... Urgh~
Anyways, we went to the wedding/nikah thing at about 11.30am and damn this morning was fucking HOT! i mean seriously it was damn hot and i was wearing a double underneath my cara melayu so you can imagine the buckets of sweat i was producing. On second thought dont imagine it cause its fucking gross. Anyways, its been a while since i've attended shindigs like this so i forgot how unbearably long this bllody event was! i probably fell asleep 5 times while sitting up straight and god help me i was thirsty! my head was rocking back and forth cause i was constantly falling asleep! Okay, so we started waiting at about quarter-to-twelve and the eating starts at half-past-one so the process of waiting took more or less an hour and a half soo yeah im feelin grumpy about it. Here comes the irony, once everyone finished eating, THEN the storm came! i mean why couldn't it have come earlier to spare us from the heat stroke?!? i do admit that the wind was very strong and the rain was damn drenching but i think its better than a heat wave, right???
Once the storm came, everybody went home cause the wind was so damn strong and the rain was so damn heavy, me and my paents were about to head-off when whatsherface whined to daddy that her car was stuck so we had to help and her fucking car was stuck on someone's yard in a sort of mudpit... i along with other people were asked to heave-ho the car while my mom was doing neat tricks with the car from inside, while under the fucking rain! i was asked to push behind the tyres and guess fucking what? the mud came straight at me and i was covered from head t toe with stinking mud!!!!!!! I mean for fuck's sake! i was the only one who got sprayed with that much mudd! its so not fucking fair! i had to take a second shower and profusely clean my cara melayu! thinks could not get any worse and if it does than thank you to the cosmic powers above for making this day one of my fucking worst!