08 December 2008

Long time no see...

Hi!!! long time no see ya'll, well sorry about the blog being all empty and all, well, sort of empty considering the large amount of photos i uploaded during the Amal's Birthday Bash... anyways the reason for my lack of updates is that i was on vacation in Kuala Lumpur for 5 days thats why though i did reach Brunei soil the last 2 weeks,hahah!!! but not only that eh, plus there has seriously been a lack of interesting things happening in my life and its the holidays!!! i know right so lamey lame my life is... but the 5 days in KL were totally enjoyable even though we spent ours walking and shopping till my feet felt like pudding and i suffered from leg cramps everyday in KL not to mention the sunburn from the last time we went to the beach,hahaha!!! i couldnt lie on my back for 2 days!!! but all in all the time spent in KL was not in vain, i did buy some awesome stuff for me and for the GBL, i really hope they liked the souveneirs i bought them thats because 2 days before the GBL had a gathering and that was the chance i took ot give them their souveneirs,heeheehee,i like making my friends happy, more than i like making my parents happy cause what makes my parents happy are very shitty like good grades and lame stuff blah blah blah etc etc etc... anyways i really felt happy to get to spend some time with the GBL cause trust me the holidays are sweet and all but when you have totally nothing to do it can turn into your worse holiday ever!!! im really jealous of Adi cause he got his ear pierced, so awesome eh! handal lagi tu ya menapuk dri parenz nya ah, rugged! hahahaha, but sadly, Fadil,Yazid,Yan and Freaky couldnt come on the GBL gathering day so i didnt get to give their souveneirs yet,hahaha! Hope there's another gathering *HINT* hahaha! anyways thats all i gotta say and if i have more time which i have plenty of since i've got nothing to do, i'll post pics of some of the things i bought from KL =) CIAO

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