Im in my room, hiding from the madness that is family gatherings... Today were celebrating my nephew's birthday in a huge way! there's fireworks, catering, bouncer slide and other over-the-top things~ Esh, My sis biasa! everything must be extravagant blah blah blah~ each time there's a family function, she becomes a very annoying and maddening Ultima Bitch cause she's the control freak in the family, macam ia punya responsibility sja si taie ah! Even during her wedding, she was the Mega Bitch of them all! diri yg kawin diri yg spatut yg chillax, ani ia tya plg over2 mcm org gila baie! Anyways, im hiding because my familia is all about stereotypes, the guys either talk about football, cars, fishing and weight-lifting, all of which im not interested in which is why im hiding in my room soo i wont drown with all the testosterone flooding the house, plus all the guys are watching football now, so its best to avoid that. The girls are all grouped, watching AF, also not a thing im interested in, plus their talking about "stuff" i shouldn't hear cause it might make my ears bleed. You see, not even a unique personality i this damn house which is why my presence here is very awkward, i wish i could sneak out of here and go somewhere else!
Now i wish i had a cigarette, seriously, theres constant pressure here to portray myself as a normal guy, you know, talk about sports, fishing, cars and girls... Hello!!! boooring much, i mean like seriously! i know im the black sheep of the family, im probably the only one who can think outside the box and im also probably the only one whose open-minded here. Probably why im not that close to my relatives, im close to my family though, but that's just an act, what i am in front of them is not what i am entirely. Seriously cant wait to get a driver's license or a place of my own, mind you, just because i wanna have a place of my own doesn't mean that im tryin to abandon my family. Its just the only way so that i could live my life as myself, as my own person, i wouldn't have to hide my true self. Sometimes i feel that im more of myself in school rather than at home.
Anyways, today at school, i just got my results on my latest Maths Test and i got a
2 out of 50!!! praise the lord! hahaha! im damn proud cause that test was a Mega Bitch and i aint gonna care what i got or what im gonna get cause im a slightly carefree person at school. At home, im as carefree as a kitten chained to a bottom of a lake. Oh yeah, later today, during the aftanoon, we went to the BC and i met up with Freak and he brought Yunni!!! Damn i kinda miss that girl, who am i kidding! i miss bitching with her about someone else, hahaha! like i used to say to Yunn "Girl, you my bitch!", that means, "Girl, you my dawg!". I used to say that to Yunn cause well we can be Mega Bitches Yo!!! and we like to Bitch owkay! hahaha! Nadadeh, mna kmi bitching, kmi ngumpat sja, hahaha! Anyways, had a meaningful conversation with Yunn today, hope what i said can help her in anyway and Good Luck Yunn!!! Girl, You my Bitch! cause we is Mega Bictches gurl, you go on with yo life and stay gorgeous honeychild!
PS: im so jealous cause Yunn's gettin thinner!!! Waaaa!! i wanna be thin too!!!
~Saja Wah!~