02 April 2009


Its April! So Happy Belated April Fool!!! and Happy Belated birthday to my good friend Eyan~ i know its already very2 late but i already greeted during her birthday sooo nothing wrong there! haha!


In other unimportant news, im officially both clinically and physically stressed~ wait, what the hell am i saying! actually im a 100% stressed! its April and my AS exams are mostly in May so screw you fate! for giving me (and most probably a lot of people) terrible misgivings and terrible luck! Well, thats true blue life for ya, its generally impossible for destiny or fate or whatever people call it to not screw with people's lives... it cant be helped, all we miniscule beings living on this earth just has to take it like a bitch like we're destiny/fate's personal whore~ wow! very colourful language there but dont mind me im just finding an excuse to blame something other than myself for not having confidence in my mind and spirit to face the fuckin exam head on!

Another unimportant news~ i have entered each and every one of my classes for 3 days straight! daym! i do declayer thayt im proud of lil ol me! aint thayt ineresteyng! haha! but please honeychild they aint no reyson to applaude cuz ma mind goes all nothin like when im in mayth soo its kinda lyk ma bady is theyre but ma mind is sumwheyre eylse! Okay, to shit with what im posting right now cause my mind is all jumbled up, to make sense of the previous sentence, try reading it with a southern american accent~ hehe! what the hell!!! what the hell!! what the hell!!
nothing makes sense right??? well to hell with it cause im just venting my ass off, hahaha~
~Because i want to?~

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