So today i had a road trip with my parents to Tutong to go back to my roots~ which meant visiting my Grangran in Kampung Bukit, Tutong. Apparently today was harvesting season so i was staring in wonder as my relatives were "mengatam"-ing and "mengirik"-ing the padi from my Grandma's padi field, actually this is the first tym i've realised that my Grandma actually had a padi field... We arrived there at about 3-ish and stayed there till 8-ish... gila batah khaliah, and i even got to catch up with my cousins whom i've lost contact with for a long time...
i even spent the afternoon with my cousins at the "junjungan" and i was like sakai, hahaha, this is why my Grandma calls me "Cucu dri Bandar". Hahaha, but seriously i didn't expect my Grandma to have such a large padi field, nda plg basar but considering she's the only one yg menanam padi tuu, its pretty big. Thank god, relatives came to help the harvesting, hahaha, and i admit this was my first tym actually seeing padi up-close,hahaha! Kasian eh org bandar ni eh!!! Usually i loathe visiting the 'Ulu' cause im not that close to my cousins from that side but today i actually had a great tym with my cousins especially my cousin Hafiz, whom apparently has similar interests with me~~~~~ who would've thought ey, i even took pictures from this afternoon...
the Padi harvested
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