18 February 2009

Personality Test

I recently took a personality test about and these are my top personality traits, Reserved, Optimistic and Tentative being my dominant personality traits... I think im confident to say that all of these are sort of true but depends on how people see me though~

You’re equally happy in your own company as you are in the company of true friends. Rather than raucous nights on the town, you enjoy pursuing hobbies and like nothing more than sharing interests and intimate conversation with the special people in your life. You avoid large groups and gatherings where you’d be expected to be the centre of attention but you enjoy occasional parties – especially when you know every face in the room. You don’t find it easy to approach a stranger but will come across as polite if introduced by a friend.

On the whole you have a sunny outlook on life. If set-backs happen you may spend a moment licking your wounds but will quickly dust yourself down and get on track. Others find your attitude quite inspirational and you may find friends seek your advice. You take a balanced view on most things and will always err on the side of hope and positivity rather than brood on the negative. You’re open to new opportunities and will actively seek solutions to problems and explore new avenues rather than let life pass you by.

You won’t be walked over by anyone but you won’t cause any scenes either. You may come across as indecisive but that could be because you prefer others to take control. You are fairly easy-going and your laid-back approach may present as lazy or uncaring. Being put on the spot makes you feel uncomfortable so if you need to make a decision you like to take your time and weigh things up. Even then, you may want to leave your suggestions open to debate – a trait others may see as fair-minded, team-spirited and inclusive.

Although on the surface you seem to ride life as though it’s the crest of a wave – you have called the coast guard for information about tides beforehand! You are excited by new challenges and are happy to ‘go with the flow’ and try new experiences. You’ll be up for a spontaneous after-work drink with friends but not if it means you miss the last bus home. You’re independent and take balanced risks. You will be happy to date someone who is out of your comfort zone for the experience but when your instincts about a person or situation kick in, you’ll stop and listen. Although you’re ready for fun, you certainly wouldn’t call yourself reckless.

You certainly can’t be accused of being stuck in your ways. You are flexible and able to embrace change. Although you abide by the laws of the land, behind the scenes you have your own ideas about how things should be done. You would consider yourself to be a moderate thinker and take a balanced and accommodating view of the world around you.

Because you’re a sensitive soul inside, you can sometimes present a seemingly impervious outer-shell to protect yourself from psychological slings and arrows. You may be tempted to ‘fire the first shot’ in order to deflect any criticism even before it happens. Being sensitive – especially to the feelings of others - is a very attractive quality and displaying your soft side may bring out feelings of protectiveness in others.

Trusting others is high on your priorities and is one of the foundation stones on which you build a relationship. If it isn’t there, or someone betrays your trust, you find it quite hard to forget – even if you forgive. You are fair-minded and accepting and may readily believe a person’s reason for letting you down. Equally you will feel real feelings of guilt if you feel you have lost someone’s trust. You’ll share your thoughts and passions with others and will come across as open-minded.

You don’t seek the limelight and can be a little unnerved if you find yourself at the centre of attention. You are most comfortable in the company of people you know and thrive in familiar environments and situations. At times, your self-belief may falter and you may be tempted to rely on friends and loved ones for strength and confidence especially if you are unsure about a situation. If people close to you offer you reassurance and approval your confidence soars.

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