Today is the Birthday of my Bestie!!!! Nur Fadhillah Umu Habibah or N.F.U.H for short~ She's been a good friend for years and although we've kinda went our separate paths, i shall still treasure the memories spent with her and the countless advice and help she has given me. Fadh, She is caring though is sometimes rough, She is sometimes quiet but never fails to voice-out whats in her mind, She is very mature yet there is still a small glimmer of her inner child kept intact, She believes in treating others the way they treat us, She is fair, protective and an all-around great girl, or should i say woman. She is a Woman who is brave, a woman who is bold and a woman with courage, it is a pleasure to be acquainted with an individual such as her. I pray that many blessings come in her direction and i wish her a long prosperous life, Amin~ And to add to all of the above, she is also the type of woman who would say, "I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR".
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