AS is in 4 days!!! I cant eat, I cant sleep and I cant even think straight~ Well, actually, i CAN eat and apparently alot due to the AS, i've been binging like crazy cause apparently there are 2 types of exam stress related habits and they are;
1~ thinking about an exam so much that you forget to eat, just study, and study, and study until you get a gigantic migraine and eventually kill yourself either by pills (Panadols, just eat past 10 tablets and your good as dead unless your stomach gets pumped) or by the traditional hanging yourself (which if not done right will lead to suffocation, rather that severing the head from the spine which leads to instant death) or also the traditional wrist cutting (much more effective using a shaving razor, trust me) and other suicidal tactics like jumping off something high (make sure its really2 high cause if you survive, your life after attempting to take your own life would be hell)
2~ thinking about an exam so much that you begin to eat, and eat, and eat, and eat until your belly grows to the size of Mt.Everest which will eventually kill you either by explosion of the belly (which is such a pleasant way to die, NOT) or just plain diabetes (not a pretty way to go either since they'll be hacking limb after dead limb until the diabetes actually kills you so heres a piece of advice, control the amount of sugar you consume) or high colesterol or high blood pressure (which i think will give you a major if not excruciating headache until you pass out if your lucky, if not, then bye2 earth, hello afterlife) and some other medical hoopla.
Well, my major exam stress related habit is Number 2, mind you, im still alive, though gaining weight by the second which in my humble opinion would be due to the large amounts of water im consuming to couteract the confectionaries i've been consuming, i dunno how water counteracts sugar but i think it has something to do with the circulation of liquids in our bodies, ANYWAYS due to this mega bitch of a habit, i am now totally FAT instead of PHAT. Im no longer Pretty Hot And Thick, im just frickin THICK! Curse you stress related hunger! Misery thine name is food, Damn it! Binging is so not my kind of habit but since my future is defined by the results of this year's exams, i cant help but to eat, and eat, and eat, and eat, and so on~ Which is so unhealthy that im disgusted with myself hence the consumption of water to purify my inner being and the sugar in it, i dunno about everybody else whose taking the exam but im scared shitless and i think my psychosis problem is coming back, i sure wish it doesn't but the signs are there, im not gonna linger anymoe on this topic but more about my expanding waistline and the fact that its making me more... Rounder... Anyways now thats its all out there, i feel much better sooo Ciao!
(and i think im gonna have some snackage before goin to bed) =P
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