14 May 2009

If thats all there is then thats enough

The Nines consists of three short films, each following the same actors in different and sometimes overlapping roles. Together, three stories form a single narrative that explores the relationships between author and character, actor and role, creator and creation. Alternatively funny and unsettling. The Nines is like a riddle where the answer is the question: "How does it all add up?"

My comment: This film, to me, is very deep~ it makes you think and do some critical thinking~ it makes you think about life and our world. Its one of the best films i've ever seen not just because Ryan Reynolds is in it but also the fact that the way you understand it depends on you because The Nines is open for intepretations~ The Nines to me, on a scale from 1 to 10, its more of a Nine =)

Last book i read~

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