06 August 2010


So today, dropped off the rentals at the airport cause today their travelling to Johor, Malaysia cause dad is attending an internet trading seminar and mom is joining him. I was supposed to join them but boohoo! I cant cause i have lectures, tutorials and what not... But on the plus side, im free from the rents for 4 days so yay! and being the opportunist that i am, the minute i reached home, i went straight to Mimi's house. Myself. Using the Ford Everest. My initial excuse to my bro was that i wanted to pick up some stuff mimi borrowed which is actually true but also i decided to hang out and chatted with him at his house...

Poor, Mimi! It seems that the injury he had last year is still hurting him. His leg was bandaged very very tight! So we talked and talked and it turns out that the reason his injury is coming back is because everytime his injury subsides, he would go play football therefore bringing more pain to himself. He's such an idiot! Hahahaaha...

Anyways while there took some pictures... and i became Mimi's audience while he ripped on his guitar so the afternoon was good eventhough it was short... And now some pics!

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